Hank Snow sent me this Pokono Staff picture from 1964.
Myron Weintraub (me): bottom row, third from the right.
My twin brother David: bottom row, first on the right.
Mark Jonas is in the top row, 2nd from the right.
Hank Snow is in the top row, 4th from the right.
The Head Counselor, Marv Fleischman, is in the top row,
5th from the right.
Sam Brand is in the top row, first on the left (says Richie Mandor)
The only other counselor that I can remember right now is
Ted Blecker, middle row, 1st on the left.
Bob Freid added these additional names:
Top Row: Bill Klapholz (3rd from RT), Elliot Lafell (3rd from LT), Howie? (6th from RT)
Middle Row: Jack Small (2nd from LT), Lonnie? (3rd from RT), Ted? (4th from LT)
Bottom Row: Shelly Ackerman (2nd from LT), Dave Polanski - AKA Maynard (3rd from LT)
Good work Myron-
Hank was my Division Head in 67 & 68; Mark Jonas taught me how to waterski.
My first year at camp was 1965 (I was much younger than Hank Snow, etc., )I can't believe what I just remembered. During color war, Mark Jonas said, "May the lint in your belly button eternally be maroon". I can't remember what I had for breakfast, so go figure???
I just noticed the date on the sign at the bottom of the picture. Instead of 1964, it says 1694 and the photographer never picked up the mistake
myron weintraub
I think that the counselor in the top row third from the left is elliot ?Lafell. The counselor in the top row third from the right is Ken{I don't remember his last name, but he was my counselor along with Sam Brand during this summer].
correction: The name of the counselor
in the top row third from the right is Bill Klapholz. The name of the counselor in the second row second from the left is Jack Small. No one in Bunk 7 liked Jack at all. He was a replacement counselor in the Summer of 1964 and did not get into the Pocono spirit at all. The first name of the counselor in the second row third from the right is Lonnie. The name of the counselor in the first row third from the left is Dave Polanski, AKA Maynard- one of the nicest guys I have ever known. He was a counselor in 1964 and 1965 and 1966. Thank you Maynard, for making my Camp Pocono experiences better.
addendum: the name of the counselor in the top row fourth from the right is Hank Snow. He was also a three year counselor and became a division head. He is also a great guy. I remember that he and his bunk started a famous meal time chant that began:Pig, Hog, Chaza,,, Hank Snow{or put in a person's name}, the buddy tow. This chant started after one swim session in which Jerry Turner blew his whistle, and everyone in the pool would have to pair up with his designated buddy, but one camper did not have a buddy at this time, and Hank jumped into the water from life-guarding at poolside to assume the duty of buddy to this camper so that the camper would not be yelled at by pool director Jerry.
Addendum{again,,as more great memories come back to me}: I believe that the name of the counselor in the first row second from the left is Shelly Ackerman.
addendum{again} As my memory improves with each moment I think about camp{as I haven't really thought about it in many years} I believe that the first name of the counselor in the back row sixth from the right is Howie. Also I think that the name of the counselor in the middle row fourth from the left is Ted. He was an older guy and was an established school teacher trying to make a few bucks as a counselor during his Summer break.
I remember now the counselor in the middle row fourth from the left. I do not know his name, but I remember that at the "school" where we were leaving for Camp ( at least I think it was a school), this guy wore Maroon pants-the color of pants that the female counselors were supposed to wear. Th male counselors were supposed to wear gray.
myron (myroon)weintraaub
Myron, You and your brother Dave made one scared kid's first sleep away experience tremendous. I was at Pokono from 1963-1966. Dave was the Bunk 2 counselor in 1963 and his junior counselor's first name was Leo. You arrived a few weeks late into camp that summer and stayed in my Bunk number three. Ken, Artie and Sam Brand were also in this bunk as counselors. I believe that Artie was from Yonkers and worked at the waterfront and Sam also had some specialty that he presided over for this summer. Because of the positive experience that I had at Pokono, I went on to be a counselor at another camp years later and also an athletic director and boys head counselor at a few camps and also worked for the American Camping Association for one summer. I'd love to hear from you and I can be reached at goobernatorial@gmail.com {my Son's email address}.
Hi Caren! It's Kerry Prager... would love to hear from you!! I also remember the lint in your belly button comment!! And I have no idea what I had for breakfast either!
Kerry, It's Caren . What an awesome surprise to hear from you. We always had fun together at camp. How's Eli? I'm glad that you "get" my humor. Life gets in the way of remembering the least little things. Sned me an email and let me know what you are up to?? LZ77@juno.com.
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