Sunday, July 11, 2010


Even though Scott Greene attended Camp for only 3 summers,
he has razor-sharp memories of those days.
Check out his bunk pix and recollections !

Flashback to 1964: Marv Fleishman was Head Counselor; Jay Goldstein, Carl Slotnick and Richie Mandor were waiters. Mark Jonas and Hank Snow were Counselors.

Fast-forward to 1966: the Senior Boys lived in "S1", atop Bunks 1 + 2, making their own Camp activity schedule. Their Comedy Song, "The Trailer Men of Pokono", parodied the Bimmies' living accommodations: "...trailer men of Pokono... they live in buses where none will go...

Their well-planned raids often "landed" them in the bunks of Jamie Greissman and Diane Resnick.

1964-66 TRIVIA QUIZ (hints in parentheses)
– What S1 Camper slept with his eyes open ? (RP)
– Who could "roll" his stomach ? (SL)
– Who used to put on a mask and put his head in a bowl ? (SD)

– What counselor wrote to parents, telling them how their kids were doing ? (HS)
– Who was Scott Greene's cousin (All-Around Camper in 1966) ? (SF)
– What job did "Slim" have ? (before Ira Mandor)

Some names to remember: Steve Michaels, Mike Briar, Mitch Glaser, Larry Meyers, Jeff Reiman, Mike Gross, Stu and Alan Packer, Larry Castle, Larry Wolf, Howie Werthheimer

Who remembers "Uncle Jerry" coming to their house to "sign you up" ?


Anonymous said...

Scott: I don't know if you remember me or not. I attended Pokono from 1963-1966. I think that I am two years younger than you and your cousin, Stu. A highlight of my 1966 camping season was playing shortstop with you guys for a few intercamp softball games. I remember that you, Stu(a great all around athlete) and Danny called yourselves the "Million Dollar Outfield". I was thrilled to play a few games with you "older" guys. How is Stu? It's nice to see that a few of my camping years contemporaries are on the web site now. Drop me an E-mail if you recall me. Bob(Bobby) Freid drfreid@gmail.com

bob freid said...

Scott: Do you remember your bunk's chant invention in 1964 or 1965? It became Hall of Fame caliber and was chanted by everyone after your bunk's initiation. It originally involved your illustrious counselor, who "saved" a stranded camper in the pool when Jerry blew his whistle for buddy count. "Pig, Hog, Chaza, Hank Snow, the buddy tow." Bob Freid

Anonymous said...

i remember jerry turner. he came to my house and showed mus films of the camp. another lifetime ago!!