Were Division 3 Campers and Counselors in 1970!
Can anyone finish this song from Boy Girl Sing?
"Division 3 Dixie Cups
Are marching along on to victory
We're... "
The words were set to a song from the movie "Oliver" starring Mark Lester and Jack Wilde!
Wasn't a Dixie Cup. Consider Yourself an ad-lib: "We're marching along so strong, it's clear we're going to win this song."
I just got more words to the Dixie Cup song: "Division 3 Dixie Cups are marching along on to victory. We're filling our cups with zest our brims will run over all the rest!" How can this be? Your words go to the song too and I thought that points were taken away for re-using music, lyrics etc. Anyone else want to weigh in on this? HELP!
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