Tuesday, July 3, 2007


He just contacted us this weekend.
Send him a note and say "Hi".

(Maybe he's got a picture of that beautiful Triumph he had at Camp)


David Zellman said...

Hi Steve,
So what's been happening the last 35 years or so?

Randy Perlow said...

Hi Steve,

Did you go to a Rolling Stones concert in the summer of 1972 or 73?

Did you come back with a T-shirt with the lips and tongue artwork on it?

Someone has this recollection of you. Is it true?

Steven Tirsch said...

David, Life is good I am married with 2 beautiful children living in Westchester County.

Randy, I went to the Stones concert and did get a T-shirt. ALso I still have my camp jacket and a color wars banner.

David Zellman said...

Hi Steve,
Good to hear from you. I have two as well and I am living in Virginia. Did you ever send them to sleepaway camp? I sent mine to Camp Cayuga in Pa. It was the coolest thing dropping them off the first time. It was no Pokono but as a parent I guess that was a good thing, or not. Take Care,

Unknown said...

Hi Steve,
Which sister did you marry Stacy or Dorie Saunders? (ha!) I was in Stacy's bunk...Kerry Prager and live in Ct.. Where are you in Westchester? I just found this site! Loving it, Kerry

Randy Perlow said...

Is this the same Kerry Prager who lived in Freeport and graduated Baldwin HS in 1974, was friendly with Jon Pargh and Johnny Schneider?

This is Randy Perlow, from Moore Ave, Freeport. My crowd was Bill Shebar, Steve Roberts, Jeff Coleman, Alan Morris.

I'm one of the Blog Admins and I'll "catch you up" on what's been going on here for the past 2 months and who's around.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Unknown said...

Hi Kerry,

I was in the same bunk as you and Stacy for many years. It's fun to see who still remebers those days!

Joyce Plaut

Unknown said...

Hi Joyce,
I just tried to e-mail you!! I thought that was you!! Let me know if you receive it...something wrong with my server.. I'm in Ct... are you in the area? Love to hear from you, Kerry

Unknown said...

Hi Kerry,

I didn't get your e-mail but I would love to get in touch with you. I found this website via Mindy Browser who lives in New Jersey. I live in Westchester. Where in Connecticut are you.
Would love to catch up!


Unknown said...

Hi Joyce,

I'm in Wilton, close to Westchester. I e-mailed Mindy but haven''t heard back...e-mail me at gingersnap007@gmail.com (don't ask!) Do you see or talk to Mindy? Take care, Kerry