Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This was just sent to us by Geoff Hoff, the grandson of the owner, who last week filled us in on some unknown
Camp history. He writes further...

The main, taller part was the original church, the main door to that is cut off in the picture. It was rarely used except in the summer when the snack bar upstairs was open. The entranceway you see, with the little roof and screendoor, was added by my grandfather and leads to the bar that was once the basement of the church. The longer low part off to the side of the main building was the restaurant which grandpa added. And, of course, the two-story building in the background is the boarding house. Grandpa built that twice. The first one (I think that's the one in this picture, not sure) burned down sometime in the late fifties or early sixties. This picture was from a post card that they had printed.


David Zellman said...

wow doesn't that bring back memories. Thanks again Geoff

Shelley Brauner said...


Thank you for sending the picture and Randy thank you for posting it so quickly.

I didn't go far enough up the road to see if any of the other buildings you mentioned are still standing but we will check it out the next the next time we head out that way. Probably in a couple of weeks or so.

I apologize for not having downloaded and forwarding the pictures that I took a couple of days ago but will get them out shortly.

Even though the St. Moritz isn't there anymore the area is so beautiful that I'm sure the pictures will bring back some fond memories.

You also mentioned that your grandparents moved to Stillwater. I'd be happy to go there and get you a current picture of the home. Your call.

Thanks again for sending on such great stuff!
